Low Poly Animated Animals
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High-quality rigged low poly animals with amazing animations, stunning demo scenes, multiple textures, sounds, and Wander Script.Render pipeline compatibilityDescription
High-quality rigged low poly animals with amazing animations, stunning demo scenes, multiple textures, sounds, and Wander Script.
— Content —
- 57 unique animals
- Wander Script (V.5) You can drag and drop living animals to the scene
- Rigged
- Stunning animations
- Beautiful demo scenes
- Mecanim support
- 30+ Animal textures
- 40+ unique sounds
- Illustrated environment textures
- URP support watch
- Simple to use, well organized
- Low poly nature elements
- Ground, Grass, and Coral textures
- Free updates
— Animals —
🦛 Anteater (928 vertices)
🐻 Bear (376 vertices)
🐿 Beaver (785 vertices)
🐗 Boar (796 vertices)
🐃 Buffalo (691 vertices)
🐻 Polar bear (376 vertices)
🐈 Cat (371 vertices)
🐥 Chick (311 vertices)
🐵 Chimpanzee (773 vertices)
🐮 Cow (704 vertices)
🐊 Crocodile (779 vertices)
🦌 Deer (529 vertices)
🐕 Dog: Golden Retriever (466 vertices)
🦮 Dog: Great Dane (496 vertices)
🐕🦺 Dog: Chihuahua (438 vertices)
🐬 Dolphin (453 vertices)
🕊 Dove (402 vertices)
🦅 Eagle (508 vertices)
🐘 Elephant (730 vertices)
🐟 Fish (86 vertices)
🦊 Fox (937 vertices)
🦒 Giraffe (630 vertices)
🐐 Goat (731 vertices)
🦆 Goose (581 vertices)
🦍 Gorilla (643 vertices)
🐔 Hen (449 vertices)
🦛 Hippo (835 vertices)
🐴 Horse (605 vertices)
🐚 Jellyfish (520 vertices)
🦁 Lion (942 vertices)
🐙 Octopus (1088 vertices)
🐋 Orca (474 vertices)
🦩 Ostrich (496 vertices)
🐼 Panda (857 vertices)
🦜 Parrot (490 vertices)
🐧 Penguin (303 vertices)
🐷 Pig (708 vertices)
🐰 Rabbit (317 vertices)
🦌 Reindeer (1241 vertices)
🦏 Rhino (712 vertices)
🐓 Roaster (555 vertices)
🕊 Seagull (82 vertices)
🦈 Seal (468 vertices)
🦈 Shark (401 vertices)
🐑 Sheep (858 vertices)
🐑 Sheep Wool (706 vertices)
🐍 Snake (215 vertices)
🕷 Spider (529 vertices)
🦑 Squid (1051 vertices)
🐿 Squirrel (752 vertices)
⭐ Starfish (55 vertices)
🦛 Tapir (736 vertices)
🐯 Tiger (1104 vertices)
🐧 Tucan (544 vertices)
🦅 Vulture (467 vertices)
🦛 Walrus (484 vertices)
🐺 Wolf (594 vertices)
— Animations —
Anteater_Idle, Anteater_Idle2, Anteater_Idle to Walk, Anteater_Walk, Anteater_Walk to Idle, Anteater_Idle to Run, Anteater_Run, Anteater_Run to Idle, Anteater_Attack, Anteater_Death, Bear_Death, Bear_Idle, Bear_Run, Bear_StandUp, Bear_StandUp_Attack, Bear_Walk,
Beaver_Idle, Beaver_Idle to Walk, Beaver_Walk, Beaver_Walk to Idle, Beaver_Idle to Run, Beaver_Run, Beaver_Run to Idle, Beaver_Attack, Beaver_Death, Boar_Attack, Boar_Death, Boar_Idle Breathing, Boar_Idle left Right, Boar_Idle to Run, Boar_Idle to Walk, Boar_Run, Boar_Run to Idle, Boar_Walk, Boar_Walk to Idle, Buffalo_Attack, Buffalo_Death, Buffalo_Idle Breathing, Buffalo_Idle Left, Buffalo_Idle Right, Buffalo_Idle to Run, Buffalo_Idle to Walk, Buffalo_Run, Buffalo_Run to Idle, Buffalo_Walk, Buffalo_Walk to Idle, Cat_idle, Cat_attack, Cat_idle to walk, Cat__walk, Cat_walk to idle, Cat_idle to run, Cat_run, Cat_run to idle, Cat_death, Chick_Attack, Chick_Death, Chick__Idle to run, Chick_Idle to walk, Chick_Idle1, Chick_Idle2, Chick_Run, Chick_Run to idle, Chick_Walk, Chick_Walk to idle, Chimpanzee_idle to walk, Chimpanzee_walk, Chimpanzee_walk to idle, Chimpanzee_idle to run, Chimpanzee_run, Chimpanzee_run to idle, Chimpanzee_idle breathing, Chimpanzee_idle screaming, Chimpanzee_idle banging chest, Chimpanzee_attack, Chimpanzee_death, Cow_Death, Cow_Eating, Cow_Idle, Cow_Run, Cow_Walk, Crocodile_Attack_1, Crocodile_Attack_2, Crocodile_Death, Crocodile_Idle, Crocodile_Swim, Crocodile_Walk, Deer_Attack, Deer_Death, Deer_Eating, Deer_Idle2, Deer_Idle Breath, Deer_Idle to Run, Deer_Idle to Walk, Deer_Run, Deer_Run to Idle, Deer_Walk, Deer_Walk to Idle, Dog_Chihuahua_Bark, Dog_Chihuahua_Idle, Dog_Chihuahua_Run, Dog_Chihuahua_Sit, Dog_Chihuahua_Walk, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Bark, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Idle, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Run, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Sit, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Stand, Dog-GoldenRetriever_Walk, Dog-GreatDane_Bark, Dog-GreatDane_Idle, Dog-GreatDane_Run, Dog-GreatDane_Sit, Dog-GreatDane_Stand, Dog-GreatDane_Walk, Dolphin_Idle, Dolphin_Idle2, Dolphin_Idle to Swim, Dolphin_Swimming, Dolphin__Swim jump, Dolphin_Attack, Dolphin_Swim to Idle, Dolphin_Death progpreeive, Dolphin_Death Inplace, Dove_Attack, Dove_Death, Dove_Fly, Dove_Fly to Idle, Dove_Idle Right, Dove_Idle to Fly, Dove_Idle to Run, Dove_Idle to Walk, Dove_Run, Dove_Walk, Dove_Walk to Idle, Eagle_Death, Eagle_Fly idle, Eagle_Fly idle to flying, Eagle_Fly start, Eagle_Flying, Eagle_Flying attack, Eagle_Flying to fly idle, Eagle_Flying to idle, Eagle_Idle, Eagle_Idle to Run, Eagle_Idle to walk, Eagle_Run, Eagle_Run to idle, Eagle_Walk, Eagle_Walk to idle, Elephant_idle, Elephant_idle2, Elephant_idle_to_walk, Elephant_walk, Elephant_walk_to_idle, Elephant_idle_to_run, Elephant_run, Elephant_run_to_idle, Elephant_attack, Elephant_death, Fish_Swim, Giraffe_idle, Giraffe_idle to walk, Giraffe_walk, Giraffe_walk to idle, Giraffe_idle2, Giraffe_idle to run, Giraffe_run, Giraffe_run to idle, Giraffe_attack, Giraffe_death, Goat_Idle Breath, Goat_Idle to Walk, Goat_Walk, Goat_Walk to Idle, Goat_Idle 2, Goat_Idle to Run, Goat_Run, Goat_Run to Idle, Goat_Attack, Goat_Death, Goos_Idle, Goos_Idle 2, Goos_Idle 3, Goos_Idle 4, Goos_Idle to Walk, Goos_Walk, Goos_Walk to Idle, Goos_Idle to Run, Goos_Run, Goos_Run to Idle, Goos_Idle to Fly, Goos_Fly, Goos_Fly to Idle, Goos_Attack, Goos_Death, Gorilla_Attack, Gorilla_ChestHit, Gorilla_Death, Gorilla_Idle, Gorilla_Run, Gorilla_Walk, Hen_Attack, Hen_Death, Hen_Fly to idle, Hen_Flying, Hen_Idle breath, Hen_Idle roast, Hen_Idle to fly, Hen_Idle to run, Hen_Idle to slow walk, Hen_Idle to walk, Hen_Idle2, Hen_Idle 3, Hen_Run, Hen_Run to idle, Hen_Slow walk, Hen_Slow walk to idle, Hen_Walk, Hen_Walk to idle, Hippo_Idle, Hippo_Idle2, Hippo_Idle to Walk, Hippo_Walk, Hippo_Walk to Idle, Hippo_Idle to Run, Hippo_Run, Hippo_Run to Idle, Hippo_Attack, Hippo_Death, Horse_Death, Horse_Eating, Horse_Idle, Horse_Run, Horse_Walk, JellyFish_Idle, Lion_idle breathing, Lion_idle to walk, Lion_walk, Lion_walk to idle, Lion_idle roar, Lion_idle to run, Lion_run to idle, Lion_attack, Lion_death, Octopus_Idle, Octopus_Idle to Swim, Octopus_Swim, Octopus_Swim to Idle, Octopus_Attack, Octopus_Death, Orca_Attack, Orca_Death, Orca_Eat, Orca_Idle, Orca_Swim, Ostrich_Walk, Ostrich_Run, Ostrich_Idle, Ostrich_Attack, Ostrich_Death, Panda_Idle, Panda_Idle to Walk, Panda_Walk, Panda_Walk to Idle, Panda_Idle to Run, Panda_Run, Panda_Run to Idle, Panda_Attack, Panda_Death, Panda_Idle2, Parrot_Walk, Parrot_Run, Parrot_Idle, Parrot_Fly, Parrot_Attack, Parrot_Death, Penguin_Death, Penguin_Idle, Penguin_Run, Penguin_Shake, Penguin_Walk, Pig_idle breathing, Pig_idle2, Pig_idle to walk, Pig_walk, Pig_walk to idle, Pig_idle to run, Pig_run, Pig_run to idle, Pig_attack, Pig_death, Rabbit_Death_0, Rabbit_Death_1, Rabbit_Idle, Rabbit_Jump_Up, Rabbit_Jump_Walk, Rabbit_LookOut, Rabbit_Run, Reindeer_Walk, Reindeer_Idle, Reindeer_Run, Reindeer_Death, Reindeer_Attack, Rhino_Walk, Rhino_Run, Rhino_Idle, Rhino_Attack, Rhino_Death, Roaster_idle breathing, Roaster_idle roast, Roaster_idle2, Roaster_idle3, Roaster_idle to walk, Roaster_walk, Roaster_walk to idle, Roaster_idle to run, Roaster_run, Roaster_run to idle, Roaster_idle to fly, Roaster_fly, Roaster_fly to idle, Roaster_attack, Roaster_death, Seagul_Fly, Seagul_Sitting, Shark_Attack, Seal_Idle, Seal_Idle 2, Seal_Idle to Walk, Seal_Walk, Seal_Walk to Idle, Seal_Idle to Run, Seal_Run, Seal_Run to Idle, Seal_Attack, Seal_Death, Shark_Death, Shark_Swim, Sheep_Idle, Sheep_Idle to Walk, Sheep_Walk, Sheep_Walk to Idle, Sheep_Idle 2, Sheep_Idle to Run, Sheep_Run, Sheep_Run to Idle, Sheep_Attack, Sheep_Death, Sheep-wool_Idle, Sheep-wool_Idle to Walk, Sheep-wool_Walk, Sheep-wool_Walk to Idle, Sheep-wool_Idle2, Sheep-wool_Idle to Run, Sheep-wool_Run, Sheep-wool_Run to Idle, Sheep-wool_Attack, Sheep-wool_Death, Snake_Attack, Snake_Death, Snake_Idle, Snake_Slither, Spider_Attack, Spider_Death 1, Spider_Death 2, Spider_Death 3, Spider_Idle, Spider_Scared, Spider_Walk, Squid_Idle, Squid_Idle to Swim, Squid_Swim, Squid_Swim to Idle, Squid_Death, Squirrel_Idle, Squirrel_Idle 2, Squirrel_Idle to Walk, Squirrel_Walk, Squirrel_Walk to Idle, Squirrel_Idle to Run, Squirrel_Run, Squirrel_Run to Idle, Squirrel_Attack, Squirrel_Death, StarFish_Walk, Tapir_Idle, Tapir_Walk, Tapir_Run, Tapir_Attack, Tapir_Death, Tiger_idle breathing, Tiger_attack1, Tiger_idle to walk, Tiger_walk, Tiger_walk to idle, Tiger_idle road, Tiger_idle to run, Tiger_run, Tiger_run to idle, Tiger_attack2, Tiger_death, Tucan_idle left, Tucan_idle right, Tucan_idle to walk, Tucan_walk, Tucan_walk to idle, Tucan_idle to run, Tucan_run, Tucan_run to idle, Tucan_idle to fly, Tucan_flying, Tucan_fly to idle, Tucan_attack, Tucan_death, Vulture_Idle, Vulture_Fly, Vulture_Walk, Vulture_Attack, Vulture_Death,
Walrus_Idle, Walrus_Idle 2, Walrus_Idle to Walk, Walrus_Walk, Walrus_Walk to Idle, Walrus_Idle to Run, Walrus_Run, Walrus_Run to Idle, Walrus_Attack, Walrus_Death, Wolf_Attack, Wolf_Death, Wolf_Howl, Wold_Idle, Wolf_Idle to Run, Wold_Idle to Walk, Wolr_Run, Wolf_Run to Idle, Wolf_Walk, Wolf_Walk to Idle
And the best is yet to come :) Thank you all for purchasing our pack! If you have a specific requirement for a model, we will be happy to add it! Just send us an email at info@polyperfect.com or reach us on our Discord server!
For presentation purposes we are using free Standart Assets camera filters:
— Other Low Poly Packs —
Low Poly Animated Prehistoric Animals